Visit of German Diaconie

Visit of German Diaconie

Our church has been visited by representants of Diaconie from Wuerttemberg, Germany, along with reporters from Evangelischer Pressedinst and Stuttgarter Zeitung.
Their aim was to get acquainted with some of our projects that are supported by the German Diaconie through project „Hoffnung fuer Ost Europa“ and present them back at home. First stop on their visit was Trnava. Here they were able to meet employees of our Diaconie along with the director Jan Huba. The were left with strong impression after visiting workshops for mentaly disabled, „Dom na polceste“ (halfwayhouse for children leaving orphanages) in Velky Slvkov and School for deaf-blind children in Cervenica. They have gathered information about various other projects, including Mission among Roma.