Slovaks celebrate in Albertirša

On Saturday, 3rd of September 2011 in Albertirša , Hungary, local people of Slovak herritage celebrated 300th anniversary of establishing slovak congregations of Augsburg Confession. A slovak-hungarian service included a sermon by the general bishop of ECAC Milos Klatik.
Brother General Bishop said in his sermon: „Today, together with you we thank Lord God for the past 300 years during which you and your forefathers received blessings and God's mercy. During these three centuries many pastors, supervisors and presbyters worked here to whom was this congregation very important.“ At the end of this service, some of hte historical informations were presented: The village was officialy established on 29th of September 1711. Slovaks from Zvolenska Slatina have been moved here due to decrease of inhabitants as a result of turkish enslavement. The village Albertirsa was composed of two settlements – Alberti and Irsa. The incomers brought along the first evangelical pastor - Frigyes Claudinyi. Slovak Lutherans had evangelical upbringing and education on their minds and so they have built a school already in 1711. At the end the General Bishop gave thanks to Lord God for the fact that there is such a lively and active congregation in Albertirsa where they have established a retirement home in 1952, kindergarden in 1992, and an elementary school in 1993.