Preparatory Committee Christians´ Meeting Middle- and Eastern Europe

Preparatory Committee Christians´ Meeting Middle- and Eastern Europe

In days 4. – 5. November 2014 was held in the space of Evangelical Theological Faculty in Budapest discussion of the preparatory Committee Christians´ Meeting Middle- and Eastern Europe.
Discussion was lead by bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hungary Tamás Fabiny and by officer foreign department Klara Tarr Cselovszky. On discussion was attended representatives protestant churches from Hungary, Poland, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession in the Slovakia was represented by Samuel Miško - secretary for foreign relations.

One of the point of discussion was evaluation IX. Christians´ Meeting, which was held in Poland Wroclaw of 4. – 6. July 2014. Poland bishop of Wroclaw diocese of Evangelical Church in Poland Ryszard Bogusz and pastor Dawid Mendrok reviewed these Christians´ Meeting from the perspective of the organizers. Bishop Bogusz emphasized that the place – Hall of the century was a very good place for this happening. On Saturday were attended according to him up to 5000 people. Pastor Mendrok thanked to all for cooperation in preparation and introduced an account all Meeting. Total costs were approximately 252.000,- Euro.

On this discussion was determined a date of next Meeting. X. Christians´ Meeting Middle- and Eastern Europe going to be of 7. – 10. July 2016 in Budapest. The theme of upcoming Meeting will be Bible verse: „You are salt for the earth.“ (Matthew 5,13). This Meeting will be held in Tüske Halle (Thorns hall) near college park and in the evangelical churches in Budapest, which together is seventeen.

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