From statement to concrete acts

From statement to concrete acts

The situation around refugees was the main theme of meeting between General Bishop Miloš Klátik and state secretary of Ministry of foreign and European affairs of the Slovak Republic Peter Javorčík, which was held at General Bishop Office, 8 July 2015.
General Bishop informed State Secretary about clear positions and attitudes ECAC in Slovakia to situation around illegal migrants in Europe. Today situation is just consequences of mistakes in past. The presidium of ECAC turned to President of Slovak Republic and on Prime Minister (in August 2013, April 2014) with request to solve the problems of Christians in Middle East and in Africa.

Today, the problem of refugees is the problem of the whole European Union. Although our believers live in needs, General Bishop in his statement from 3rd June 2015 had called for help. He encouraged members by words from 2 Thessalonians:„Brothers and sisters, do not be weary in doing what is right.“

State secretary informed that State is in phase of beginning preparation of program for engaging. Until autumn we should know, how many refugees we be able to accept, where we will locate them, and how we can help them in their integration. State wants to cooperate in providing assistance to refugee with the churches and with the third sector.

In the opinion of General Bishop is time to move from declaration to action. ECAC is ready to provide space as a temporary location for migrants – we welcome with love all Christian families. ECAC will show generosity and hospitality to those, which are in needs. We will help them from love, because we are led by our faith and teaching of Jesus Christ.

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