DonauFriedensWelle (“Danube Wave of Peace”) in Austria

The main event of the Donau Friedens Welle took place in Vienna in February on Thursday 17th. General Bishop took part on this event and received a symbolic oar.
Donau Friedens Welle is an international project that was organized by various churches that reside in countries through which flows the river of Danube. Series of worship gatherings moved from Württemberg and Bavaria to Austria where it took place throughout the whole of February organized by the Ecumenical council of Churches in Austria and The Network for peace and freedom from violence.

So called Ship of Peace was revealed during these gatherings. This symbol was moved from one country to the other as it was the symbol of this whole project. The Ship of Peace was present at every major worship service. This ship has two baskets on board - representing our worries and hopes. Attendants of the worship services could throw into these baskets pieces of paper with their hopes or worries written down. In front of the church people were offered a possibility to forge swords into plowshares as a symbol of desire for peace.

Bishop of ECAC in Austria Michael Bunker gave symbolic oar to the General Bishop Milos Klatik as the following events of Dona Friedens Welle will move to Slovakia. The main worship service will take place on 20th of March 2011 in church of ECAC in Komarno, where people will be able to see the Ship of Peace as well. The service will be attended by church representatives of the countries where the “Danube Wave of Peace” has already been, as well as, by representatives of countries where it is still heading. General Bishop Milos Klatik will be preaching at this event. Donau Friedens Welle is climax of project “Decade Against Violence”. The aim of this event is to use the second largest river of Europe as a symbol of peace and call people to mutual activism against violence of any kind. We need to deal with ecological matters and protection of God's creation together. The main idea is behind this theme is biblical text: "Let justice roll on like a river" (Amos 5, 24).