Celebrations of the 400th anniversary of Žilina Synod

Celebrations of the 400th anniversary of Žilina Synod

From 28.6.2010 until 4.7.2010 the celebrations of the 400th anniversary of Žilina Synod took place in Žilina and were organized by the Evangelic Church of Augsburg Confession in Slovakia in cooperation with the Mayor’s Office in Žilina and the Žilina region.
The following events took place during the celebrations: Theological Conference, Synod Council Meeting, and the 2nd Evangelical Church Days in Slovakia. The celebrations climaxed on the 5th of July during the meeting of Protestants on the castle “Branč“.

The celebration of the 400th anniversary of Žilina Synod was organized by the Evangelical (Lutheran) Church of Augsburg Confession in Slovakia in active participation with the city of Žilina and Žilina self-governing region.

The celebration of the 400th anniversary of Žilina Synod took place under the auspices of Ivan Gašparovič, president of Slovak republic, Juraj Blanár, chairman of the Žilina self-governing region, and Ivan Harman, mayor of the city of Žilina.

The co-organizers of the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Žilina Synod was: Lutheran Congregation in Žilina, the Lutheran deanery of Turiec, the Eastern and Western District of Evangelical (Lutheran) Church of Augsburg Confession in Slovakia.

The Žilina Synod, which constituted an independent Evangelical (Lutheran) Church of Augsburg Confession in the region of what is today Slovakia, took place in Žilina, between March 28 – 30, 1610. Palatine Juraj Turzo and Bytča pastor Eliáš Láni were the main figures of Žilina Synod.
The Žilina Synod adopted 16 articles (laws and regulations) which laid down an organizational foundation and church order of the Evangelical (Lutheran) Church of Augsburg Confession in Slovakia.
Politically speaking, this Synod meant the first institutionalized recognition of the Slovak national and ethnic identity of a specific region within the Hungarian empire.
There were three superintendents (bishops) of the Evangelical (Lutheran) Church elected at the Synod - Eliáš Láni, Izák Abrahamides a Samuel Melík.

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