Visit to Kovačica

Visit to Kovačica

In those days 16th and 17th august 2014 visited Kovačicu brother general bishop Miloš Klátik, where he negotiated with the brother senior of Banat conference Slovak Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession in Serbia - Pavol Sklenár.
Discussion was about preparing V. evangelical church day in 2016 in Békešskej Čabe. Brother senior thank for the support, which slovak lutherans provide in a voluntary declared offer for help to Slovak Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Serbia for help to congregation affected by floods. Until those days it is 11 thousand euro.
On the worship service on Sunday addressed brother general bishop church assembly in Kovačica. He transmitted the greetings from believers from Slovakia in faith and on the end of worship he granted them Aaronic blessing.