The Tree of the Reformation in other continent

The Tree of the Reformation in other continent

The project „500 trees of the Reformation in the ECAC in Slovakia“ join Slovak evangelical members all over the world. The Tree of the Reformation already have Slovak members living in Serbia and Croatia and on the 6th Sunday „Palmarum“ Palm Sunday, 20th March 2016 was planted Tree of the Reformation in far Australia.
The Tree of the Reformation – linden tree – was planted by our natives in the Evangelical Augsburg Confession Church in Seabrook (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) by the occasion 40th Anniversary of the Ladies Guild.

After solemn Lenten worship services with the Holy Communion, the sermon of God had General Bishop of the ECAC in Slovakia Miloš Klátik, was planted the Tree of Reformation with number 127. The tree was planting by General Bishop Miloš Klátik, General Inspector Imrich Lukáč, The Ambassador of the Slovak Republic in Canberra, His Excellency Dr. Igor Bartho, local congregation priest Ján Havjar, local congregation inspector Jan Sklenar, and also the chairwoman of the Ladies Guild Mária Strešnjaková, and other members of the congregation, also by the youngest congregation members ...


Since the beginning of the Luther Decade in 2008, 500 trees are being planted in Wittenberg. They are going to grow and thrive in the city as green monuments in the memory of 500 years of living Reformation. 500 trees all together, symbolising the 500 years of the Reformation. Churches of all denominations from all over the world are invited to become "godparents" for one of the 500 trees in Wittenberg. On October 21st, 2010 the General Bishop Milos Klatik planted a Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) on behalf of Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession in the Slovak Republic. The tree is identified as number 150 in the Luthergarten in Wittenberg.

ECAC showing its commitment to the care for creation, formed the same project by planting „500 trees of the Reformation in ECAC in Slovakia“ to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017.


Photos: Edita Škodová

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